Friday, May 28, 2010

Loudoun Water Sets New Rates to Encourage Water Conservation

LoudounWaterYou may have noticed in your recent bill, that Loudoun Water has set new Water Rates.  You are awarded with less expensive rates if you conserve water. 

The rate schedule is as follows:

Level Quarterly Consumption (gallons) Rate per 1000 gallons
Tier 1 0-25,000 $1.77
Tier 2 26,000 – 50,000 $4.96
Tier 3 Over 50,000 $6.65

The Tier 1 rate is less than their cost to deliver the water, therefore, you save money if you use less.  Tier 2 is in line with your home’s allocation, so you pay just what it costs to deliver it to you.  Usage at this Tier 3 is more than your home’s allocation, so you will pay a premium for creating the additional demand on the system.

So how do you reduce your water consumption?  Probably the easiest thing to do which provides the greatest savings is to reduce your lawn watering.  Loudoun Water states that they’ve seen evidence of overwatering as high as 60 percent.

While automatic sprinkler systems are convenient, generally it follows a schedule that has very little to do with your lawn’s actual watering needs.  Probably the most important thing you can do is cancel the next watering if it has rained.  We receive rain here in Virginia all summer long, and often it is enough to keep your grass green.  Consider installing a rain shut-off device on your automatic sprinklers to eliminate unnecessary watering.

Also, Loudoun Water has requested that customers use the following schedule to help them manage the overall water demand.

ODD Addresses: Wednesdays and Saturdays
EVEN Addresses: Thursday and Sundays

Additionally, please do not water on your mowing day.

You can tell if your lawn needs watering by simply walking across your lawn. If you leave footprints, it's time to water.  You can test how much water your irrigation system is using by putting out a tuna can and measuring it.

Also, Brad Amico of Toll Landscaping has offered this advice on when to water your lawn:

Most lawns in Northern Virginia will need from 1 - 1.5 inches of water per week depending on the weather, soil type, slope, etc. It is best to apply this amount of water in a single thorough soaking in two equal applications of water three to four days apart, rather than in light watering everyday. 

Daily, light watering promotes shallow rooting, non-drought tolerant turf, and encourages crabgrass. The ideal time to irrigate a lawn is from 4:00 am - 8:00 am. Watering during the evenings, although more convenient to the homeowner is not recommended either, due to the potential problem of inviting a greater incidence of disease in the turf.

Over watering is the main contributor to damage caused by normal use, mowers and other machines used in caring for your turf. It is very easy to over water a turf area and the potential side effects of over watering include increased crabgrass presence, increased disease potential, shallow rooting and higher water usage that ultimately could lead to water restrictions. This shallow rooting also makes turf less drought tolerant.

- contributed by Katie Ayres, Belmont Web Committee Chair

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Belmont Scrappers Announces Next Crop Event


The Belmont Scrapbooking Club has announced its next crop!

The Belmont Country Club ballroom has been reserved for Wednesday, June 9th from 6-9pm for anyone who would like to come out and crop.

This might be a good opportunity to catch up on your pages before school is out and vacations begin. Or for those of you who have a graduate in the house, start planning your pages for the big event! Or just join us and sort pictures or supplies to take stock of what you have and what you might need before the Great American Scrapbook Convention at Dulles Expo on June 25th and 26th.

Click Here to Sign Up

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

New Summer Banner and Icon!!

Our Web Committee is very lucky to have a dedicated volunteer, Kay, who designs beautiful graphics.  She designed our graphics, and she released this new icon used with all our electronic channels, as well as a new banner for the website. 

Tuesday, May 25, 2010 is Sporting a New Menu


Belmont’s Website is sporting a new menu!  Now that the Web Committee has one year under its belt, it was time to make a few changes. 

The To Do Menu has been created to be your one-stop shop for the most common activities on the web.  They may change over time depending on what is happening in our community.  

For example, our most popular form is to Report a Visitor to the Front Gate.  This form still lives under My Home as always, but now there is an additional link to it in the To Do Menu. 

Be sure to check out the new Contact Us web page which brings together all the contact information for our community.  If you have a question or suggestion, start here and we’ll help you find the right group to contact.

Login and Get Something Done!

- Web Committee

Monday, May 24, 2010

Memorial Day Pool Opening Party

Belmont Country Club is holding it's annual Memorial Day Pool Opening Party next Monday!  Here is their announcement:

You and your family will enjoy a summer buffet, face painting, DJ and so much more… Be sure to present you Membership card when signing in at the pool with the attendant. Reservations are not required for this event.

Recreation Center Pool
Monday, May 31st
11:30 PM – 2:00 PM

Summer Buffet Pricing
12.95 Adults (13 & older)
$7.95 Children (6 -12)
Complimentary for Children 5 and younger

Summer Buffet

Cheese Pizza
Pepperoni Pizza
Hot Dogs
Lettuce, Tomato, Onion Display
Baked Beans
Potato Chips
Slices of Watermelon
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Bottled Water
Canned Soft Drinks
Traditional Condiments

Do you have your photo ID? You will need this before the Memorial Day Pool Opening Party. Please contact the Membership Office at 703-723-5347 to schedule your appointment today!

Saturday, May 22, 2010



If you are a parent of a child who is on-line, then it is important that you understand the issue of cyberbullying.  It is a new form of bullying through cyber channels and it is on the rise.  What is Cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying is a modern twist on traditional bullying. Cyberbullying is defined as use of the Internet, cell phones, or other devices to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person. Cyberbullying includes such things as sending malicious emails, spreading rumors or threats, and posting embarrassing or intimate photos of a person—sometimes altered—without their permission. Frequently, the audience is enormous. And what lives in cyberspace can never be fully erased. (1)
The National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC) estimates that as many as 43% of all teenagers online experienced some form of cyberbullying during a one year period.

When you give your child their first cell phone or allow them to start social networking, it is important that you teach them the rules of the road.  You wouldn’t toss your child your car keys simply because it is their 16th birthday, and you shouldn’t let them go online without providing guidance on how they should handle online activities.  You need to teach them about cyberspace and how to avoid some of its pitfalls, before they go online.

For example, if your child wants a Facebook account, get familiar with the website.  Either set up an account to learn about it, or find an adult friend you know who is on facebook and ask them to show you how it works.  Please note that Facebook and MySpace have strong policies against children under 13 signing up. 

Then, once you are familiar with the tool, sit down with your child and set up the child’s account together.  Set all the privacy settings so you both understand them, and make them as tight as they can be. 

Assure your child that they can have privacy with what they do on facebook, but they should feel comfortable coming to you if something happens that makes them upset or uncomfortable.  You won’t judge or close the account, but rather help them solve the issue.

The following text was extracted from an article on containing great tips for both kids and parents:

What Kids Need to Know

  • Never give out personal information online, whether in instant message profiles, chat rooms, blogs, or personal websites.
  • Never tell anyone but your parents your password, even friends.
  • If someone sends a mean or threatening message, don't respond. Save it or print it out and show it to an adult.
  • Never open emails from someone you don't know or from someone you know is a bully.
  • Don't put anything online that you wouldn't want your classmates to see, even in email.
  • Don't send messages when you're angry. Before clicking "send," ask yourself how you would feel if received the message.
  • Help kids who are bullied online by not joining in and showing bullying messages to an adult.
  • Always be as polite online as you are in person.
What Parents Can Do:
  • Keep your home computer is a busy area of your house.
  • Set up email and chat accounts with your children. Make sure that you know their screen names and passwords and that they don't include any personal information in their online profiles.
  • Regularly go over their instant messenger "buddy list" with them. Ask who each person is and how your children know him or her.
  • Print this list of commonly used acronyms in instant messenger and chat rooms from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and post it by your computer.
  • Discuss cyberbullying with your children and ask if they have ever experienced it or seen it happen to someone.
  • Tell your children that you won't blame them if they are cyberbullied. Emphasize that you won't take away their computer privileges - this is the main reason kids don't tell adults when they are cyberbullied.
You can read the following articles for further information:
If you arm your child with good defensive skills, they can have a great experience on the internet.  Happy Surfing!

- contributed by Katie Ayres, Belmont Web Committee Chair

(1) NCPC: 21st Century Bullying, Crueler Than Ever

Friday, May 21, 2010

Dance Club Swing Lessons


Attention Dance Enthusiasts!

It's time to swing into May with some Swing Dancing! Many of you already know the basic steps for the swing dance. This lesson will be a quick reminder of the basics and then we'll add more moves so you look like an expert at your next function!

Swing lessons with Susan Cox

Wednesday, May 26th from 7:30 - 9:00 pm

Belmont Country Club Ballroom

$10 per person (paid in cash to instructor at the event)

A minimum number of people are required to pay for this event, so please RSVP as soon as possible. 

Click Here to Sign Up

Water will be available in the ballroom and a waiter will check on us occasionally and provide you with anything else from the bar downstairs or the dining room. All items provided by the waiter can be charged to your member account. Country Club Casual attire is appropriate for this event; however, make sure you are dressed comfortably for dancing.

See you on the dance floor! -Suzanne

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Home Safety Workshop Notes May 10, 2010

Presenter: Deputy Nathaniel Payne
Basic facts according to the LCSO:

  • Most home burglaries occur between 6am-6 pm and only take an average of 8 minutes.
  • Home invasions, which occur during the night when owners are home, are rare
  • Criminals have the desire, ability, and opportunity to commit a crime. It is our job to take away the "opportunity". One way this can be done is by building up the number of deterrents your house has compared to others.

Things you can do to deter criminals:

  • Garbage: Don't advertise what you have or recently bought. When driving by your house, one should NOT be able to tell what items you have just purchased...cut up the boxes and containers. Also, make sure you shred your personal mail, old receipts, bank statements, etc.
  • Landscaping: Try to keep bushes to about 24 inches high. You want a clear view of your yard from the widows of your house. You also want your neighbors to have a clear view of your home when looking from the street. Think about investing in bushes/shrubs that are thorny and place them under windows.
  • Lighting: A good rule of thumb: When your outside lights are on, you should be able to clearly see someone's face when they are standing about 50 feet away. Motion lighting is a great investment. It can alert you as well as your neighbors to potential prowlers. When installing motion lighting make sure that it is high enough off the ground not to be tampered with.
  • Doors: Consider investing in a high security lock/dead bolt. These can't be picked or bumped. However, they are costly and need to be ordered. Consider installing a door scope if you have a solid is a good idea to install one in the door going into the garage. Doors going into your house should have a deadbolt including the door going into the garage. Door clubs, "charlie bars", etc. are all still good deterrents.
  • Windows: Keep your windows locked and remember that screen really don't offer protection. Consider having security film applied to glass doors or some windows that you consider at risk.
  • Interior of house: Store jewelry or other valuable in another location other than the master bedroom. If you have a safe, consider another area other than the master bedroom closet and be sure to have it bolted to the floor. If you have a security system, you may want to consider placing a secondary alarm on your safe.
  • Inside lighting: Low level lighting or night lights are great. They provide just enough light for you to get around, but still keep intruders at a disadvantage.

Home security while away on vacation:

  • Create an illusion of occupancy by using timers not only on lights but on radios and TV's
  • Lock all the doors to your house
  • Make sure your landscaping is maintained
  • Lock your cars (yes even the ones in the garage) and remove any garage openers/GPS's/valuables.
  • Do NOT post that you are going away on internet sites such as Twitter or Facebook. Only tell a trusted friend or neighbor
  • Get someone to pick up mail or newspapers

Protect your valuables:

  • Take pictures of your valuable items including the serial numbers and store the pictures somewhere safe.

If you ever see any suspicious activity, please call the Loudoun County Sheriff's Office at 703-777-1021.

Also, Deputy Payne is available Monday-Friday during business hours for home safety inspections. This is a free service. It takes about 20 minutes and a written report will follow. Contact him at  if interested.

Our next community meeting will be on Monday, June 21st at the Hunt Civic Center at 7 pm . Deputy Payne will be discussing Resident involvement/Introduction to resident policing. Click Here to Sign Up

***These are unofficial notes from the meeting presented by the LCSO. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Deputy Payne at

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Belmont Wins Community and Website Awards for DC Metro Area

The annual competition is sponsored by the Washington Metropolitan Chapter Community Associations Institute (WMCCAI), the largest chapter of the national Community Associations Institute.  WMCCAI supports HOA and condominium associations in the Washington area with education, business services and networking.  Their 2800 members include professional managers, management companies and community volunteers, representing over 250,000 homeowners in community associations in Northern Virginia, Maryland, and Washington D.C.

On March 13th, WMCCAI hosted its conference in Washington, D.C and announced the winners.  John Ryan, Board of Directors President from 2006 – 2009, accepted the award for Very Large Community of the Year.  Katie Ayres, volunteer webmaster for, accepted the award for Website of the Year.
Group Photo CAI Expo
From left to right, Katie Ayres, John Ryan, Jim Costantino, Jan Ward, Mark Bailey, Alan Robbins and WMCCAI President, Jason Fisher.
Each community who has won in a category is invited to provide one panelist to speak about their community and answer questions.  Belmont was given two seats because of winning in two categories.  Belmont representatives, Katie Ayres and Alan Robbins, sat on the panel. 

Here Katie’s Introduction Speech where she talks about how the Web Committee created an award winning website in nine months:

The Belmont Community has been chosen as an exemplary community by an objective group of judges.  We have many volunteers who make Belmont what it is today.  As Alan also discussed during the Panel, we have volunteers who have been involved from the beginning, for 9 – 10 years.  And, we have newer volunteers who are bringing their talents and interests.  This steady group of caring, dedicated volunteers is what makes Belmont the fantastic community in which we live. 

If one of your neighbors is an active volunteer, be sure to thank them.  It is easy to take them for granted.  We all feel lucky to be a part of this wonderful community, and their work plays a big part. 


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Pet Food and Supply Drive this Saturday, May 22nd

The Belmont Girl Scouts love animals and love to help those in need!

Junior Girl Scout Troop 4252 is hosting a Pet Supply Drive on Saturday, May 22nd at the Belmont Recreation Center from 12pm-3pm, rain or shine to benefit the Loudoun County Animal Shelter.

Please bring your donations to the Recreation Center and the Girl Scouts will organize and transport them to the shelter.  This service project is the last requirement the girls need to earn the prestigious Bronze Star Award.  A list of needed items is below.

Food and Treats

  • Rawhide chips
  • Pig ears
  • Unopened food (canned and dry)
  • Treats
  • Peanut butter
  • Milk replacement for orphan kittens
  • Milk replacement for orphan puppies
  • Small animal supplies (rabbit, bird, guinea pig, and hamster foods)

Animal Care and Behavioral Enrichment

  • Cat beds
  • Kitty litter
  • Newspaper
  • Flea and tick medicine
  • Towels
  • Blankets (baby blankets are a great size for kennel bedding
  • Cat collars (quick release)
  • Dog collars-all sizes
  • Leather dog leashes
  • Toys
  • Medium-size washable stuffed animal toys (without batteries or electronic parts)
  • Baby teething rings (hard rubber)
  • Chew bones
  • Plug-in diffusers and refills
  • Portable exercise pens

Grooming and Cleaning Supplies

  • Peroxide
  • Pet shampoo
  • Baby shampoo (for bathing puppies and kittens)
  • Powdered laundry detergent
  • Dish soap
  • Bleach
  • Heavy duty trash bags


  • Ziploc bags, all sizes
  • TV/VCR combo
  • Video camera
  • Gift certificates for grooming
  • Gift cards for pet supply, office supply, department, and home improvement stores
  • Power tools
  • Mobile adoption van
  • Forever homes for our cats and dogs

Monday, May 17, 2010

Paws for Your Heart Dog Walk is Sunday, June 13th

Hey Belmont Dog Owners! Paws For Your Heart Dog Walk will be on Sunday, June 13, 2010. The 5K benefits the Loudoun County Animal Shelter and other local animal related charities.

Visit the Website

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Tree Save Areas: A Message From Mark

MarkBailey Finally…warm weather; outdoor activities, and fresh growth in our yards and common areas.  Welcome home spring and summer!  We endured one of the hardest winters in memory, and as a result many of you are outside enjoying our beautiful community.  It is wonderful to see everyone walking, biking, jogging, playing golf, or simply working in yards.

As part of our inspections of homes throughout the community, the HOA office has observed some owners modifying the natural habitats of protected tree-save areas.  As such, I wanted to use this column as an opportunity to remind everyone about some basic guidelines to follow should your property be located near, or in some cases through, a protected tree-save area.

  • No mowing or “weed-whacking” may occur in the tree-save area, as this would eliminate the establishment of natural plant regeneration.
  • No pruning up (ground to lowest branches) of standing trees within a tree-save is allowed.
  • No application of ground cover materials which would inhibit the natural forest floor growth and natural regeneration is permitted.  This would include weed-preventing fabrics, wood chips/mulch, or stones.
  • No herbicide is to be sprayed within a tree-save area.  The exception is the “spot” treatment for poison ivy, oak, and sumac. “Spot” treatment is defined as herbicide sprayed at the root system of the undesired plant only.  This process requires prior HOA approval, and would be performed by Toll Landscape to better ensure that all local environmental regulations are followed.  Any tree-save which is desecrated with herbicide will be reported to Loudoun County for action.
  • Removal of “hazard trees,” vines, invasive tree or plant species, or stand management in the tree-save is allowed provided a Loudoun County-approved forest management plan prepared by a Professional Forester or Certified Arborist is in place.  Hazard trees are defined as any tree that threatens an adjoining property.  Tree removal from private property requires consultation from the HOA to ensure the owner is aware of applicable laws.  No owner may remove a tree from Association-owned property.
  • Removal of fallen trees within the tree-save area is prohibited, as this is part of the natural ecology of the site.  The exceptions would be unusual damage from high winds, or insect, disease, fire or drought mortality.
  • Pruning back of any and all vegetation extending from a tree-save area into an adjoining property is allowed provided pruning does not extend back into the tree-save area.  If your home receives landscaping service, Toll Landscape will provide this service for you, otherwise please consult with the HOA before addressing a similar situation on your own.

The protected tree-save areas located throughout the community help to create the natural beauty of Belmont.  Thank you for your cooperation in preserving these natural habitats.

Mark Bailey

General Manager

Friday, May 14, 2010

Ashburn Volunteer Fire and Rescue Open House on Sunday, May 16th

The Ashburn Volunteer Fire and Rescue is hosting a free open house on Sunday, May 16th from Noon to 4:00 at Station 6 at 20688 Ashburn Road.

Watch our Open House video to see the action-packed day!

Parking: Cedar Lane Elementary School on Tolomac Road - FREE Shuttle Bus Service

They've packed the afternoon with fun for the whole family.

  • Ambulance and fire engine tours
  • Fire truck rides
  • Be a firefighter
  • Rescue helicopter landing
  • Face painting
  • Balloon artist
  • And much more!
Our "Road to Safety" offers a fun educational environment for kids to learn safety measures. Visit 4 of 6 safety stops to receive an event t-shirt.

  • Call 911
  • Poison control
  • Stranger danger
  • Water safety
  • Bike town
  • First Aid "Boo-Boo" Station
All this activity will be sure to work up an appetite. Our food court provides free hot dogs, lemonade, popcorn and cotton candy.

Become a fan of AVFRD on Facebook. Keyword search: AVFRD

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ladies Board Rummage Sale Schedule Announced

The Ladies Board of Inova Loudoun Hospital has a huge Annual Rummage Sale in Morven Park every October. The Rummage Sale is one of the Ladies Board largest fundraisers. Funds are donated directly to Inova Loudoun Hospital through a grant process for additional equipment, training, and nursing scholarships.

They just recently awarded $103,900 to 81 Loudoun County residents to help tuition costs in nursing school. They also operate a Thrift Shop, Twice is Nice, in Leesburg and a wonderful gift shop located at the entrance to the hospital.

The 72nd Annual Ladies Board Rummage Sale will be Friday, October 15 and Saturday, October 16, 2010 at Morven Park International Equestrian Center.

There are three days when the community can bring their used items and treasures to the trailer located in the back of Inova Loudoun Hospital at Lansdowne and at the Cornwall campus in Leesburg.

The donation days (7am to 7pm) are as follows:
  • Friday, July 9th
  • Saturday, August 14th
  • Saturday, September 18th
They will also be doing a furniture pick-up in Belmont (like they did in 2009) on approximately October 12th (more details to follow) for the 72nd Ladies Board Annual Rummage Sale.

The sale especially needs furniture items, rugs, and household items that are no longer of use or value to you but will become someone else’s treasure. Tax receipts are available when your item is picked up. If you have items to donate and want to take advantage of this opportunity.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wooden Mailbox Post Replacement Program

The Board of Directors, with the Covenants Committee's recommendation, has decided to standardize wooden mailbox post replacements throughout Belmont.  You may continue to utilize your current wooden post, provided you continue to paint and maintain it.  Once the post has reached the end of its serviceable life, you will be required to replace it with the new vinyl sleeve.

Due to a lack of storage space for the purchase of 100 pieces, and to minimize record-keeping for the Association, Toll Landscape has been chosen as the sub-contractor to be responsible for the storage, installation and billing of the replacements.  The Association will not bill, nor collect payment, for this work.

Orders will be taken via the website. Each request will be time-stamped and orders for installation will be completed once a month on a first come, first served basis.

Click Here to Read More and Submit a Request

Monday, May 10, 2010

Belmont Book Club Announces its Next Book

The Belmont Book Club's next meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 2nd at 7pm where we will be discussing "Every Last One" by Anna Quindlen.

Random House writes:

"In this breathtaking and beautiful novel, the #1 New York Times bestselling author Anna Quindlen creates an unforgettable portrait of a mother, a father, a family, and the explosive, violent consequences of what seem like inconsequential actions." "...a testament to the power of a woman's love and determination, and to the invisible line of hope and healing that connects one human being with another. Ultimately, in the hands of Anna Quindlen's mesmerizing prose, "Every Last One" is a novel about facing every last one of the the things we fear most, about finding ways to navigate a road we never intended to travel, to live a life we never dreamed we'd have to live but must be brave enough to try."

We'd love to have you join us!

Click Here to Sign Up

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Belmont Sharks - Meet the Coaches Night is Tuesday, May 11th

Bring your swimmers and come learn about your community’s swim team, the Belmont Sharks! Meet the coaching staff and register your child/children for a summer of activity, friendship and fun!

Join us for the Belmont Sharks Swim Team Registration on Tuesday, May 11th from 6-9:00 PM. It will be held at the Belmont Country Club Manor House Ballroom. Additionally, at 7:00 pm, we will hold a Meet the Coaches Seminar. It will last approximately 45 minutes including time for questions. A dedicated staff of experienced coaches has been assembled to provide the highest level of instruction, safety and enthusiasm.

Although the ability to swim the length of the pool (25 meters) is a prerequisite to participate as a Shark; a special swim lesson program is being offered through the Country Club by letSwim to accommodate swimmers initially unable to swim the length of the pool.

The Swim Team registration fee of $110/swimmer includes a summer swim season from June to July. At registration the Sharks Swim Team suits and other team spirit apparel will be available for fitting and ordering.

The season will include tailored swim instruction and inspiration and the following organized summer fun and activities:

  • Water Polo
  • Movie Day
  • Donut Monday
  • Pep Rally
  • Watermine Trip
  • Theme days
  • Special activities for the teen swimmers
  • Individual awards
  • ...and so much more!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Ashburn Farmer's Market is Now Open on Saturdays

The Farmer's Market in Ashburn is open from 8 am until Noon on Saturdays.  It will run from May 1st to October 30th.

It is located at 44036 Pipeline Plaza, Ashburn Crossroads Restaurant Park, which is on the corner of Ashburn Village Blvd and Farmwell Rd.  It is behind IHOP and Fuddruckers.

View Larger Map

New Club! Transformed Living Club Meets Sunday, May 16th

The Transformed Living Club will have their Meet and Greet on Sunday, May 16th from 7:30 - 9:30 pm.

This new club will explore enlightenment, ways of being and transformational methods. Club members will enjoy lively conversations and share empowering methods that apply to all areas of our lives. This is a forum where members can bring whatever transformative tools they have experienced and share them with the group.

Activities will include exploring the following teachings and books:

  • The Landmark Forum
  • The Law of Attraction
  • The Secret
  • "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle
  • "The Power of Intention" by Wayne Dyer
  • "The Dark Side of the Light Chasers" by Debbie Ford
  • Richard Bach
  • Energy work
  • Yoga and meditation
  • Any other teachings and techniques that empower and enliven us
Come join this new Belmont Community Club and explore methods to help create a life filled with power and happiness!

Click Here to Sign Up

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Belmont Girl Scout Troop Will Be Collecting Pet Supplies on Sat, May 22nd

A Belmont Girl Scout Troop is hosting a pet supply drive on Saturday, May 22nd at the Belmont Recreation Center from 12pm-3pm, rain or shine. Please bring your donations to the Recreation Center and the Girl Scouts will organize and transport them to the Loudoun County Animal Shelter.

Click Here to Read More (login required)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Art Club Meeting Announced

Artist Daniel Nie, M.A., M.F.A., leader of the Art Club, will host an Open House at on Thursday, May 13th at 7pm. He will speak about "Boosting Your Creativity From Within."

He will then do a painting demonstration and give a tour of his home studio. Some of his artworks will be on display, and some will be given away for free. Refreshments will be served.

This is open to Art Club members and anyone who is interested.

Click Here to Sign Up

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Two Sheriff Safety Seminars Scheduled, Sign Up Now!

Neighborhood Watch is hosting a Home Safety Seminar on Monday, May 10th. It is provided by the Loudoun County Sheriff's Office. It will cover steps you can take to better secure your property and residence. Deputy Payne, who will be presenting, is very specific in his recommendations and suggestions. It is a very informative presentation and you will walk away with lots of useful tips.

Click Here to Sign Up (login required)

Additionally, the Sheriff has scheduled a new workshop: Resident Involvement and Policing. It will be held on Monday, June 21st. It will also be presented by Deputy Payne.

It will cover the following topics:

  • What to look for
  • What to report
  • What the police needs when calling in things to dispatcher
  • What to expect from deputies on certain calls
Click Here to Sign Up (login required)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Loudoun Summer Music Fest Starts Next Sunday, May 9th

The Loudoun Summer Music Fest, which takes place down the hill from the front of the Belmont Manor House, starts Sunday, May 9th.  Here is the current schedule:

Sunday May 9thLittle Feat and Delbert McClinton
Saturday May 15Billy Currington
Saturday May 22Cheap Trick
Sunday May 23Dark Star Orchestra
Sunday June 6Creedence Clearwater Revisited
Saturday June 12ZOSO
Sunday June 27Blues Traveler
Date TBAThe Original Wailers
Sunday July 11Travis Tritt
Sunday July 18TBA
Sunday July 25Charlie Daniels Band

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Landscaping Service Schedule (except Mowing) for the Year

The following table summarizes the non-mowing landscaping services scheduled for this year.      
Time FrameActivities
Late Feb/Early MarchPre-emergent weed killer and fertilizer application
Late March/April  Private lawn & Common area mulching
Late April  Pre and post-emergent weed killer and fertilizer application
Late Aug/Early SeptFertilizer application
Mid-Sept  Aeration and over-seed of lawns
Late Nov/Early Dec Fertilizer application