Thursday, October 13, 2011

Winter Decorations Detail

The winter season is quickly approaching! Most communities surrounding Belmont celebrate the winter months with festive decorations and lighting displays. Many of our residents have requested over the years that we decorate our community for the winter season. Over the last few months, the Grounds and Facilities Committee has been researching various decoration and lighting options for Belmont as a way to celebrate this wonderful season together as a community.

The following is a detailed description of the proposed decorations.
The pictures shown are of similar design to the proposed project.

Community Tree

The large Zelkova tree in the traffic circle will be adorned with white light sheeting wrapped along the trunk and the main branches. Community Zelkova Tree will have up lighting that will reflect lighting to commemorate the lights associated with faith traditions within our community. These colored lights will be activated during those time periods that are significant to those faiths.


Gates and Entrances

The main gate will have a tasteful combination of fresh live and artificial garland and wreaths with natural elements. White lighting will be incorporated within the garland draped along the brick monuments and the Crepe Myrtle trees down the center entrance drive will be wrapped. The six light posts will also be graced with hanging baskets with fresh greenery.

South Gate & West Gate’s monument signs (brick structures) will be draped with artificial garland wrapped with white lights. The crape myrtles’ trunks that frame the drive will also be wrapped with white lights. The pillars at the main entrance signs will have fresh wreaths decorated with natural elements.

The monument signs at the following neighborhoods; The Greens, The Meadows, The Chase, The Hunt & The Ridges will have artificial garland with white lights and the pillars will be decorated with fresh wreathes with natural elements.

This project will also require electrical work on the monument signs (brick signs at each entrance) of our exterior neighborhoods to make this lighting possible. This portion will provide permanent GFI outlets at each location that needs it. (Currently, these monuments only have 220 volt service which precludes us from installing fixtures that use 110 volt current . The outcome of this electrical work will give us the ability to install in the future other fixtures for other projects that may be of interest to the community.

The decorations and lighting will be installed or activated each year by November 25th and will be taken down by January 8th.  The lights will be on a timer and will turn on at dusk each day and turn off at dawn each morning.



RileyMD said...

I appreciate the committee's hard work researching winter decorations. Holiday decorations would be lovely, however the cost of $46,000 is too high during these tough economic times, even if it's just $20 per household. Why don't we all donate $20 to support a charity in the Ashburn area? Many people are struggling. For the gated part of Belmont, lights on the tree in the traffic circle, plus garland & wreaths on the gate houses would be a nice addition. They would be less costly and there would be no cost associated with having to store them throughout the year. Perhaps residents living outside the gates have areas that could be decorated with greenery (i.e. the Belmont CC monument signs).

Thrive said...

Our entry looks "naked" during the winter with no flowers or greenery, when others are festive and colorful. I love your suggestions and cannot wait to see them implemented. Thank you on behalf of my family and many neighbors around Belmont for your wonderful research and suggestions!

Chuck Ryan said...

What happened to lighting the tree in the traffic circle??

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